FAQs on Web portal (web.iiitdm.ac.in)



I am a new user and how can I create my FTP account?

Send a FTP account request to webadmin@iiitdm.ac.in. Your account will be created within a week. The username and password has to be chosen by the webadmin and there is no provision to self-service the password in the present server.


What is the purpose of this Portal?

This portal can be used to host your personal website.

For any conferences / workshops / short term courses you plan to organize and wish to have a website for that event, you can host it as a subfolder within your personal website.


Can I get shell access? 

If you have a strong reason to have it, yes. By default, all users are given only ftp (port 21) access to transfer files.


Can I have a quota higher than 150 MB? 

If you have a good reason, yes. By default, all users are given a uniform disc quota of 150 MB.


Can I get another account to host a website for a centre / conference? 

Try hosting these as subfolders in your personal website. Try creating a content management system for your personal website. If the site requires multiple persons to have access to modify and the site url should look neutral, you can take a separate account for such purposes.


Can I get support from Webadmin to create my personal website? 

We do not have adequate resources to offer this service. The support from webadmin is limited to any changes in the system and to get you going with accessing your account. Content will have to be generated and maintained by the end user. There are a number of small web development companies and freelance developers who could create a website for you for a small fee.


What kind of content is allowed on this portal? 

Though this will be your personal website, the server, the connectivity and the resource belong to IIITDM Kancheepuram. You are advised to keep the content as official as possible. In any case, the end user is responsible for the content hosted in his/her folder.


Will website team take a backup of my data? 

Right now, there is no regular backup for the home folders. Occasional backup does exist. Users are expected to have a copy of their web folder on their desktop computers as backup. If there is sufficient usage of this portal, this policy will be reviewed shortly.


Will website team protect my website from being hacked? 

Well, the web server has only two ports (80 and 443 for http and https, respectively) open to the rest of the world and can be considered as relatively safe - atleast for those web sites that have static pages.  The portal will be monitored regularly and web development team will support any user who faces issues such as this. Needless to say, please do not share your password with anyone.