Dr Noor Mahammad Sk |
Announcements!! - Apply & Learn!! |
A One Week Workshop on
VLSI Architectures for Image and Video Processing
04 to 08 December 2023, Online Mode
Registration Fee: Rs. 1357/- (Inclusive of 18% GST & 15% Overheads on Rs. 1000/-)
[SBI e collect => Tamilnadu => Educational Institute => IIITDM Educational Event => STTP => VLSI2023 => Category => (Faculty/Student/Industrialist) => pay]
For More Details and Schedule: Click Here!!
A One Week Workshop on
High Performance Computing for ALL
(Parallel Programming for Parallel and Distributed Architectures)
11 to 15 December 2023, Online Mode
Registration Fee: Rs. 1357/- (Inclusive of 18% GST & 15% Overheads on Rs. 1000/-)
[SBI e collect => Tamilnadu => Educational Institute => IIITDM Educational Event => STTP => HPC2023 => Category => (Faculty/Student/Industrialist) => pay]
For More Details and Schedule: Click Here!!
A One Week Workshop on
Cyber Security and Forensics for ALL
18 to 22 December 2023, Online Mode
Registration Fee: Rs. 1357/- (Inclusive of 18% GST & 15% Overheads on Rs. 1000/-)
[SBI e collect => Tamilnadu => Educational Institute => IIITDM Educational Event => STTP => CFS2023 => Category => (Faculty/Student/Industrialist) => pay]
For More Details and Schedule: Click Here!!
Contact Details:
Dr Noor Mahammad Sk Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram
Melakottaiyur Village, Vandalur-Kelambakkam Road Chennai - 600 127
Email: noor (AT) iiitdm (DOT) ac (DOT) in +91-044-2747-6349, Mob: 91760 10587.
Summary as on 31 December 2023:
Faculty Member: of Computer Science and Engineering.
Total Teaching Experience: 20 years 10 months.
Total Research Experience: 18 years 11 months.
Research Interests: Computer Architecture, Reconfigurable Computing, Network System Design, VLSI Design, Hardware for AI, VLSI Architectures for Signal Processing, High Performance Computing.
Sponsored Projects: 07 - Completed.
Industrial Consultancy: 20 - Completed.
PhD Guidance: 06 - Completed and 04 - On-Going.
Number of Chips Fabricated: 3 Numbers received ICs.
Number of Products Designed: 4 Numbers.
Workshops/FDPs (>=5 Days) Organized: Total of 14; 12 - Self Sponsored, 02 - Agency Sponsored. In Self Sponsored at least 80% Content delivered by Dr Noor Mahammad.
Number of Research Publications:
Established Research Laboratory: High Performance Reconfigurable Computing System Engineering (Hprcse), B4, PEMS Block.
19 High-End Workstations, 1 Laptop.
02 Managed Switches - Sponsored by m/s Extreme Networks Pvt Ltd.,
15 FPGA Prototype Boards.
Student Project Guidance: 43 - M. Tech., and 54 - B. Tech.,
Teaching - On an Average 22.8 Credits per Year since 2011.
Introduced first time 7 - Theory Courses and 7 - Practice Courses.
Institute Vision aligned Elective Courses Introduced - 6.
Unique elective courses in the Country - 03 aligned to research theme.
Associated With SIDI: Faculty member of School of Interdisciplinary Design and Innovation (SIDI), IIITDM Kancheepuram. Proposed Elective Course - Embedded Kinetic Artwork.
Administrative Responsibility:
7 Years and 7 Months - Network and Computer Coordinator.
7 Years and 2 Months - Warden, Chief Warden for 1 Year.